Uw Masseur

Waar de mens als geheel centraal staat, fysiek en mentaal.



Around 5000 years ago footreflexology treatments were given in India, China, Egypt and North America. Papyrus drawings dated 2500 years b.c. have been found depicting this treatment.
In recent years footreflexology is more and more being accepted as a complementary cure, it is even being incorporated in several formal nurse trainings.

Footrefelxology is based on the assumption that all parts of the body are reflected in zones on the feet, known as reflexzones. In case of physical problems there are often disturbances found in the corresponding reflexzones. By treating these zones with pressure impulses with thumbs or fingers, these disturbances can often be decreased or ended.

Aside from the therapeutic aspect, a footreflexmassage is also regarded by many as very pleasant and relaxing.

This massage cannot be given as a partial massage.